
Welcome Alumni

Alumni - We are working hard to create a more useful web site. The contact info (email address) in your profile is where we send the Alpha Nu's News Letter. If you are not getting it we don't have a valid email address for you. Please log in and confirm or update your contact info. CLICK the "Join the Association" button below to update your profile. Under the "First Time Users" section on the log in page click the "go Here" button and enter your email address. If the system finds your email address and it is valid you can update your profile and complete the process. NOTE - the email address must be the last valid email address we have for you to find your existing profile. If you don't remember your email address or it is no longer valid just follow the link anyway to update your profile. A System Admin will get back with you to complete the process. Thanks ******** NOTE - Your name will not immediately show on the Alumni List after you register. There is an Admin Step required to complete the registration process.

AN Alumni Association Members

  • Abantao, Joshua (Wheels)
  • Adams, R Chase (Jax)
  • Alexander, Everett (Spider Monkey)
  • Almand, Chris
  • Amy, Eric (Guido)
  • Anderson, Grant (Perc)
  • Andrews, Benjamin
  • Arbet, Paul
  • Arora, Mayhul (Mau5)
  • Avolio, Juliano (Uno)
  • Baez, Enrique
  • Balboni, Fred
  • Banks, Robert
  • Barrett, Robert (Launchpad)
  • Barrington, Steven
  • Bates, John
  • Baxendale, Mitchell (Elvis)
  • Becker, Terence
  • Bernholtz, Jerod (Rusty)
  • Black, Aria (Sega)
  • Black, Steve
  • Black, Steven
  • Bloom, Ross (Slash)
  • Bocian, Aaron (Wiggum)
  • Boggan, Alton
  • Booth, Austin (Cousteau)
  • Boullain, Eugene
  • Boyer, David (Chelsea)
  • Braisted, Mark
  • Branly, Shane
  • Brown, James
  • Brown, Justin (Dangle)
  • Brown, Stanley
  • Bruen, Brandon
  • Buck, Kevin
  • Burgess, Mark
  • Cachera, Matthew (Loki)
  • Caicedo, Juan (Zero)
  • Calabretta, Kurt (Colonel)
  • Callahan, Thomas
  • Campbell, Brian
  • Campbell, Chris
  • Chang, Samuel
  • Cochell, James (Ash)
  • Coffin, Thomas
  • Cole, John
  • Colier, Jonathan
  • Conner, Sean
  • Cooper, Jason
  • Copeland, Samuel (Frodo)
  • Cory, Rich (Lewis)
  • Cottrell, Schuyler
  • Cournoyer, Austin (Percival)
  • Crane, Jacob
  • Crosby, Nicholas
  • Crumley, Hugh
  • Curtiss, Bruce
  • Dahlin, Will
  • Dale, Aaron
  • Daniels, Aaron
  • Davis, Cole (Miles)
  • Denig, John
  • Derenne, Erik
  • Devarajan, Shiva (Caesar)
  • Dicely, Paris
  • Dreyer, Chad
  • Dubrow, David
  • Dunlap, Travis
  • Dutton, Matthew
  • Egan, Andrew (Budnick)
  • Elliott, David (Llama)
  • Etters, Andy
  • Evangelista, Chris (Bam Bam)
  • Fardanesh, Kamran
  • Faust, Nickolas
  • Fernandez, Andrew
  • Fernandez, Jonathan (Private)
  • Ferri, Kevin (Melon)
  • Fields, Travis
  • Fierstein, Joshua
  • Fisher, Leonard
  • Flowers, James
  • Flynn, Ryan
  • Foerst, Benjamin (Fridge)
  • Foster, Adam
  • Fraschillo, Thomas
  • Frengel, Robert
  • Fuller, Ryan (Pepsi)
  • Gage, Asa
  • Garg, Naman (Zed)
  • Garrett, Jon
  • Garvin, Christian
  • Gentry, G.
  • Giddeon, Richard (Rich)
  • Gillette, Bradford
  • Gilmore, Trevor
  • Goodson, Gregory (Shark)
  • Gottlieb, Daniel
  • Gould, Thomas
  • Goulde, David
  • Gray, Christopher
  • Greb, Lucas (Trip)
  • Griffeth, Russell (Russ)
  • Gunn, Garnet
  • Gurses, Volkan (Tonic)
  • Haar, Joshua (Leech)
  • Hall, James
  • Hamel, Scott
  • Haney, Howard
  • Hanson, Duncan (Lemon)
  • Harford, James
  • Harrison, Frank
  • Harrison, Roy (Astro)
  • Hartwell, John (Stark)
  • Hebert, Myles (Ichabod)
  • Heffner, Jonathan (Marlin)
  • Heffner, Timothy (some kind of fish)
  • Herrin, Thomas (Hoss)
  • Hilborn, Ross
  • Hildreth, James
  • Hillman, Jonathan
  • Hines, Cameron (Davis)
  • Hlavin, Matthew (Flounder)
  • Hoenes, Robert
  • Holberton, Harrison (Shockwave)
  • Holleman, Franklin
  • Holmes-Williams, Satchel (Coach)
  • Holohan, Vincent
  • Howard, Jacob (Milhouse)
  • Howell, Mark
  • Hubbard, Joseph (Noodle)
  • Jamgochian, Hrant
  • Jeziorski, Peter
  • Johnson, Andrew
  • Johnson, Henri (Roquefort)
  • Johnson, Morgan
  • Johnson, Ralph
  • Johnston, Greg (Chum)
  • Johnston, Michael
  • Kane, John (Bender)
  • Kapeghian, Van
  • Karimi, Derrick
  • Keal, William
  • Keith, Ian (Boomer)
  • Kell, Alexander
  • Kemerait, Jimmy (Costello)
  • Kessler, Alexander (Parker)
  • Khiddee-Wu, Calvin (Dash)
  • kim, inkyu (Dodge(Truck))
  • King, James (Sanchez)
  • Kinney, Derek
  • Korey, Mark
  • Kung, Kevin
  • Lam, Robin (Arrow)
  • Largesse, Gary
  • Lawrence, James
  • Lawrence, Jason (Styx)
  • Lawson, Jeffrey
  • Leahy, Brendan
  • Lee, Minseok (Tom) (Rufus)
  • Leon, Juan
  • Leonard, Justin
  • Leone, Nicholas (Jet)
  • Lewis, James
  • Lobdell, Michael
  • Locker, David
  • Long, Scott
  • Lorenzo, Marcus (Homer)
  • Lucking, Sean
  • Luzum, Nico (Abbott)
  • Ly, Vince (Vader)
  • Lyon, John
  • Maggs, David
  • Maier, Jackson (Doc)
  • Man, Tech
  • Manion, Kristopher (Dingo)
  • Manthe, Philip
  • Mao, Tony (Sherman)
  • Marlatt, Andrew (Butters)
  • Marteau, Esteban (Thor)
  • Martin, Anthony (Domo)
  • Martin (Gatlin-Martin), Robert (Devo)
  • Mathieson, Joshua
  • McCans, Mark
  • Mcdevitt, Justin (Ace)
  • McLeod-Bryant, Andrew (Smalls)
  • Meares, Taylor (Judge)
  • Meeks, Christopher
  • Meeks, Zachary (Dozer)
  • Mencik, Stephen
  • Minoguchi, Hajime (Oda)
  • Mohammed, Abrar (Sol)
  • Monaco, Christopher
  • Moore, Rick
  • Morgan, Clarence
  • Morn, Charles
  • Mracek, Lee (Unagi)
  • Mullen, James
  • Murrell, William
  • Myers, Roland
  • Narasimhan, Sriram
  • Niven, Alex (Meta)
  • Norton, Dan
  • O'Neal, Harrison (Tsar)
  • Odom, Arthur (Tucker)
  • Olcott, Richard (Rick)
  • Oztezcan, Burak (Onix)
  • Palladino, Mike
  • Panetta, Christino (Nino) (Kowalski)
  • Panetta, Michael
  • Parets, Martin
  • Parker, Elton
  • Parr, Joseph
  • Pearson, George
  • Perkins, Chris
  • Perry, Brandon (Goblin)
  • Peterson, Stephen
  • Petty, William
  • Phelan, Patrick (Balto)
  • Pittner, Luke (DalĂ­)
  • Popp, Jonathan
  • Portaro, Thomas
  • Porter, Larry
  • Power, Joseph (Ranger)
  • Price, Robert
  • Rawls, Arthur
  • Reese, Herschel
  • Reid, Philip
  • Reit, Radu (Boris)
  • Respaldiza, David (Scrappy)
  • Roberts, Austin
  • Rodkey, Kevin
  • Rogers, Carl
  • Rogers, Christian (Landfill)
  • Ross, Kelly
  • Rowland, William
  • Ruhs, Charles (Blue)
  • Sabnis, Tapan
  • Sadoski, David (Falcon)
  • Sanders, Brian
  • Sanders, Christopher
  • Sanger, Richard
  • Sato, Kazuki (The Great Kazoo)
  • Scheinbach, Andrew (Ratchet)
  • Schiffman, Spencer (Expo)
  • Schneider, Joseph (Pitfall)
  • Sharma, Ayush (Baker)
  • Shearin, Mike
  • Sheppard, Jeremy
  • Shin, Michael
  • Shirk, Michael
  • Shivdasani, Samar
  • Silverio, Robert
  • Simoneau, Joseph
  • Sloan, Jeremiah
  • Slugg, Andrew (Rocky)
  • Smirnov, George
  • Smith, Bradley
  • Smith, Howard (Tweak)
  • Smith, Matthew (Artie)
  • Smith, Michael
  • Snyder, Evan (Pip)
  • Speers, Brandon (Rabbit)
  • Srikrishnan, Varun (Motor)
  • Stanczak, Eris (Sparrow)
  • Steely, Robert
  • Stevenson, Dustin (Booger)
  • Stranko, Anthony
  • Sudduth, Alvin
  • Sutch, Dylan (Bosco)
  • Sutlief, Charles
  • Swing, Ryan (Fezzik)
  • Talati, Gunjan
  • Tarver, Barry
  • Taylor, Cole (Caddy)
  • Taylor, Dae'Shawn (Skipper)
  • Taylor, Darrell (Tom)
  • Taylor, Jenny
  • Taylor, Mark
  • Thao, Michael (Rufio)
  • Thomas, Jonathan (Mascot)
  • Thompson, Matthew
  • Tong, Ben (Nobel)
  • Totherow, Matthew
  • Tyler, Thomas
  • Ung, Kevin
  • Vanairsdale, Brian
  • VanVoorhis, Timothy
  • vattyam, Pavan (Servo)
  • Ventura, Robert
  • Wang, Ethan (Apollo)
  • Warner, Roger
  • Webber, Paul
  • Wellborn, William (Beast Master)
  • Wells, Warren
  • Whitaker, Brent
  • Williams, Ryan
  • Willoughby, William
  • Wolfe, Mark
  • Wong, Wilson
  • Wu, David
  • Wu, Sitong (Friar)
  • Yu, Jeffrey (Strix)
  • Zellner, George
  • Zhu, Owen (Jonas)
  • Zook, Glen

Join the Association

  • Abaid, Douglas
  • Allgood, William
  • Anderson, Paul
  • Aubrey, Morton
  • Bagwell, Donald
  • Baker, Scott
  • Balboni, Frederick
  • Barbell, Paul
  • Barnhart, Kyle
  • Bauman, John
  • Bean, Thomas
  • Bell, Stephen
  • Benz, John
  • Berinato, Robert
  • Bibb, James
  • Bjerning, Bradley
  • Blackburn, John
  • Born, Brian
  • Bowman, Michael
  • Brabaw, Steven
  • Brice, Paul
  • Bridges, Phillip
  • Briley, Tate
  • Brown, James
  • Brown, Justin
  • Brunson, John
  • Brunson, John
  • Brzostowicz, James
  • Brzostowicz, Stephen
  • Burgess, Jack
  • Bush, Donald
  • Butler, Matthew
  • Byrd, Justin
  • Cai, David
  • Calcaterra, Jeffrey
  • Camp, Kenneth
  • Canup, Mark
  • Carpenter, Charles
  • Casey, Michael
  • Ceci, Ashley
  • Christopher, Robert
  • Clayton, Christopher
  • Coffin, Thomas
  • Cooil, Robert
  • Cook, Grant
  • Cooper, Samuel
  • Cooper, Samuel
  • Corbett, Donald
  • Corea, Manuel
  • Cosgrove, Nicholas
  • Crooms, Kenneth
  • Crotto, Jeffrey
  • Cullen, Christian
  • Davis, Brent
  • Davis, Jonathan
  • Day, Thomas
  • de Cardenas, Juan
  • Dedier, Stephen
  • Demi, Todd
  • Determan, James
  • DiMaria, Stephen
  • DiPasquale, Daniel
  • Doherty, Sean
  • Donovan, James
  • Drake, John
  • Dressel, Michael
  • Dudley, Paul
  • Duval, Robert
  • Eddleman, James
  • Eisenberg, Jacob
  • Elam, Cason
  • Ellington, Stephen
  • Elliott, Mayo
  • Emory, Robert
  • Ender, Tommer
  • Enouen, James
  • Eplett, Brian
  • Etters, Michael
  • Evangelista, Rickson
  • Farnham, Theodore
  • Fasking, Floyd
  • Fawcett, McDonald
  • Fenu, Giulio
  • Figueroa, Rafael
  • Finney, John
  • Fishman, Stephen
  • Fitzpatrick, Christopher
  • Flanagan, Robert
  • Fletcher, David
  • Forstell, Jerry
  • Fox, Christopher
  • Francis, Christopher
  • Fraschillo, Thomas
  • Fratesi, Robert
  • Frazier, Daniel
  • Gallo, John
  • Garber, Daniel
  • Garner, Jeffrey
  • Gauthier, Joseph
  • Geragotelis, John
  • Gerding, Ralph
  • Gilmartin, Chad
  • Goodman, Gregory
  • Gordon, Steven
  • Gregorio, Michael
  • Grismanouska, Frank
  • Grooms, Kenneth
  • Guilbert, Gordon
  • Gulley, David
  • Gunderson, Eric
  • Guy, Edward
  • Haire, Donald
  • Ham, Michael
  • Hamberg, Douglas
  • Harkiewicz, Conrad
  • Harney, Dennis
  • Hebert, Myles
  • Hess, Robert
  • Hiemenz, James
  • Hill, Robert
  • Hoosein, Shehzad
  • Hoppe, Joseph
  • Hornbeck, Chris
  • Hornbeck, Christopher
  • Houlihan, Michael
  • Hsieh, Kevin
  • Huff, Anthony
  • Hutchinson, Dax
  • Hynes, Michael
  • Isaacs, Richard
  • Jackson, Kenneth
  • Jackson, Steven
  • Jarvis, Garret
  • Jenkins, Jeffrey
  • Johnson, Gregory
  • Johnson, Keith
  • Johnson, William
  • Johnston, Robert
  • Johnston, Steven
  • Jolly, Hoyt
  • Kapadia, Rahim
  • Kardasz, Ihor
  • Kasaras, Michael
  • Keller, Thomas
  • Kelly, Andrew
  • Kennedy, David
  • Kennedy, Kevin
  • Kennedy, Peter
  • Kessler, Steven
  • Kim, Inkyu
  • King, Donald
  • Kirby, Wolfgang
  • Klein, Robert
  • Kreutter, Kevin
  • Lackner, Arthur
  • Lamb, Joseph
  • LaRoche, Jason
  • Latz, Gary
  • Leeds, Robert
  • Lertola, James
  • Lewis, Randy
  • Lin, Danny
  • Lindley, Robert
  • Locker, David
  • Lovitz, Aaron
  • Lunz, Jason
  • MacEwen, Thomas
  • MacFarland, Steven
  • Macher, Cory
  • Mahoney, Robert
  • Maker, David
  • Malmborg, Daniel
  • Maloney, James
  • Martin, Eric
  • Matheson, Michael
  • McAdam, Sean
  • McAvoy, James
  • McCue, John
  • McDonnell, Kevin
  • McLain, Timothy
  • Meeker, Charles
  • Mercer, David
  • Merriell, Andrew
  • Michael, John
  • Michaels, Robert
  • Michalec, Steven
  • Migdail-Smith, Michael
  • Mikulka, Keith
  • Miller, Aron
  • Millington, Edgar
  • Millinor, John
  • Mills, Robert
  • Moan, James
  • Mohr, David
  • Moore, Terry
  • Muncy, Joe
  • Murphy, Jeffrey
  • Musick, Ralph
  • Nelder, Alan
  • Nelson, Gregory
  • Newcomb, Patrick
  • Newell, Joseph
  • Norris, John
  • Obenza, Riegar
  • Oglesbee, Robert
  • Owen, Richard
  • Palmer, Richard
  • Park, John
  • Parmer, Jonathan
  • Parr, Chris
  • Patten, Juan
  • Patten, Troy
  • Patterson, Chad
  • Pawley, Jeffery
  • Pearigen, James
  • Perini, Anthony
  • Petersen, Ralph
  • Pharr, Mitchel
  • Phillips, Alan
  • Pirtle, Robert
  • Plunkett, Brandon
  • Podoshen, Lawrence
  • Powell, Matthew
  • Price, Robert
  • Purdie, Matthew
  • Purser, Robert
  • Quinn, Shannon
  • Rank, Allen
  • Ratliff, Daniel
  • Ratner, Justin
  • Reese, Herschel
  • Renda, Stephen
  • Reynders, John
  • richardtestemail, richardtestemail
  • Riley, Benjamin
  • Riley, Marcus
  • Risley, Douglas
  • Ritchie, W.
  • Roberts, Richard
  • Robinson, Jeffrey
  • Robson, Eric
  • Rodriguez, Jose
  • Rogers, Carl
  • Rudy, David
  • Rutledge, Alford
  • Saia, Cristof
  • Sanders, Terry
  • Sansbury, Timothy
  • Schmidt, Eric
  • Schneider, Mark
  • Schodorf, Jeffrey
  • Schultz, Daniel
  • Schwartz, P.
  • Scott, John
  • Scrivener, Harry
  • Seay, Christopher
  • Shah, Saumil
  • Sharer, Robert
  • Shiel, Daniel
  • Sierdzinski, Michael
  • Silverio, William
  • Smith, Allan
  • Smith, Michael
  • Smith, Patrick
  • Smith, Stephen
  • Sorrells, David
  • Sparling, Brett
  • Speers, Robert
  • Spencer, Bradford
  • Stahl, Matthew
  • Stallard, Michael
  • Stallard, Michael
  • Starker, Jeffrey
  • Steele, Ian
  • Stephens, Jeffrey
  • Stephens, John
  • Stephens, Mark
  • Stewart, Jeff
  • Stokes, Steven
  • Stowe, Grover
  • Stukes, Joseph
  • Sugden, Michael
  • Sullivan, Timothy
  • Supple, William
  • Taffet, Mark
  • Tanner, Marvin
  • Taylor, Alan
  • Terry, James
  • Thom, Mark
  • Thompson, Samuel
  • Tivy, George
  • Toh, Ban
  • Tomaro, Robert
  • Topping, Paul
  • Trace, John
  • Tracy, David
  • Trapp, John
  • Tumlin, John
  • Tyburski, John
  • Uberschaer, Ronald
  • Underwood, Charles
  • Van Campen, Joannes
  • VanCampen, Hieronyrus
  • Veal, James
  • Waguespack, William
  • Wainright, Christopher
  • Wakeman, Robert
  • Warden, Anthony
  • Watkins, Steven
  • Watson, Craig
  • Weeks, David
  • Weiher, Joshua
  • Wempner, Paul
  • Whelply, Troy
  • Whitehead, Christopher
  • Wilhelm-Tysver, Erik
  • Williams, Andre
  • Williams, Antony
  • Wilson, Kenneth
  • Wright, Rodney
  • Young, Paul
  • Yraola, Gene
  • Zaher, Neal
  • Zetterlund, Richard

Upcoming Event

Christmas Day


Date: Dec 25, 2024
